Guidance Counselor Message
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Razi School prepares all students to reach their full potential by providing equal
opportnity for academic, social, physical, and moral education in a safe, caring environment. In partnership with the community, we are committed to meeting and exceeding New York State Learning Standards while preparing our students to be productive, responsible citizens and lifetime learners.
Razi teachers act as facilitators or coaches, using interactive discussions and skills to help students learn and apply concepts in subjects as English, Mathematics, and Science. Preparing our students for their future is the major motivation generating the changes in education. To be prepared, students must be able to interact with others, adapt to new technology, and think through problems logically. Our teachers provide the tools and the environment for their students to develop these skills.
Razi School will continue to offer counseling services as a resource to help students succeed in their academic goals, as well as social support and emotional growth throughout the school year. Counseling meetings in the school setting will be held to focus on resolutions to help your chid succeed in all areas of his/her development. Our primary obligation is to promote the academic, career, and social/emotional development of all students, It is important that we work closely as a team with parents, teachers, administration, and staff to ensure your child is receiving all the support he/she needs to guide him/her through each school year.
Thank you,
Tijan Isleem
Guidance Counselor